Yes, a black man was Tased and then arrested on misdemeanor charges of affray and resisting arrest without violence, according to the police report.
According to , Gainesville Police arrested UF sophomore starting cornerback Janoris Jenkins early Saturday morning after they reported he was involved in a fight and an officer used a Taser on him in downtown.
Jenkins, 20, was arrested on misdemeanor charges of affray and resisting arrest without violence, according to the police report.
Gainesville Police spokesman Lt. Keith Kameg said two officers received a report of a fight in the 100 block of South Main Street and arrived at the location at about 2 a.m. to find a group of about six people, including Jenkins, fighting. The officers, who were in uniform, identified themselves and ordered the fighting to stop.
According to the report, when the fighting continued, one of the officers drew a Taser gun and told the group stop again. At that point, Jenkins hit another person in the head, police reported.
Kameg said the officer then used the Taser on Jenkins once, but after the probes came loose Jenkins stood up and ran a “short distance” before being arrested by Gainesville Police officers.
Jenkins was the only person arrested and Kameg said it was unclear who else was involved in the fight.
Jenkins, whom Kameg said was “extremely cooperative” once arrested, was then taken to GPD’s downtown annex and was treated medically before being transported to jail. More HERE

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