Our plan, to track all incidents of taser torture against black folks....

Have you or a member of your family ever been tasered by the police? Was it reported in the newspaper, police report, or other news outlet? Write: TasedWhileBlack@gmail.com and tell us what happened. Want to make a donation to Tasered While Black? Write us at: TasedWhileBlack@gmail.com We will be glad to hear from you.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tired of Taser Torture in America? Make a contribution to Tasered While Black

Tasered While Black

Tasered While Black

Tasered While Black



Gloria said...

wow ...will surely love to contribute
Built to Suit Lease

Todd Freeman said...

Yeah, we want to contribute for this. Need fairly treatment for black people.

Taser @worldclassselfdefense.com