Tasered While Black says: You got to be kidding me! Sounds like excessive force to us. Black folks need to organize to get police departments to have stringent policies around the use of Tasers. Check out this incident and let us know what you think.
Source: sacbee.com
A Woodland man has filed a lawsuit against the Woodland Police Department, accusing officers of unlawfully shooting him multiple times with a Taser during an arrest in November.
Police claim, however, that the Taser shots were justified because Thompson came after one of their officers with a fly swatter after being repeatedly told to stop. Woodland man has filed a lawsuit against the Woodland Police Department, accusing officers of unlawfully shooting him multiple times with a Taser during an arrest in November. More Here

Tedral Thompson claims seven Woodland police officers burst into his home with a search warrant, refused to let his wife put on a blouse – and then stunned him with three Taser guns.
Yolo County court records say only one officer fired a stun gun to protect a colleague, and that it happened as Thompson came at him cursing and carrying a fly swatter.
Thompson has filed a lawsuit in Yolo Superior Court alleging officers used excessive force and falsely arrested him for obstructing an officer as a "cover up." More HERE
A fly swatter's a deadly weapon, if you're a fly.
God this is maddening. I hadn't seen this story.
I hope he gets a huge settlement and that the cops get disciplined (yeah right).
The DailyDem link says that the suit involves ten officers who stormed the house. Nice.
This is more brave, brave justice.
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