Our plan, to track all incidents of taser torture against black folks....

Have you or a member of your family ever been tasered by the police? Was it reported in the newspaper, police report, or other news outlet? Write: TasedWhileBlack@gmail.com and tell us what happened. Want to make a donation to Tasered While Black? Write us at: TasedWhileBlack@gmail.com We will be glad to hear from you.

Friday, December 28, 2007

"Hard-to-teach black youngsters received shock treatment - while sleeping"

Shocked while in Special Education

State Sponsored Shock Treatment

Shock Treatment May Continue At Special Education School

Black Kids Impacted DC mayor would halt funds

Massachusetts - State authorities have given a controversial special education school in Canton a one-year extension of its authority to use electric shock treatments on students, provided the center makes a series of significant changes. Report says orders went unquestioned; No checks of teens

In the state of Massachusetts in which the Governor is Deval Patrick. You know the guy that understands the needs of the poor. This just proves that just because he is the the Governor and the first black Governor of Massachusetts (2nd black Gov. in American history) does not mean he will protect the poor and those in need. Was he not the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights at the Justice Department under Clinton? Maybe the Gov. needs to stay at home and handle this situation instead of stumping for Obama I hope Obama does not start this type of program nationally inside public schools and Federal prisons.

Check this out, the Center (
Judge Rotenberg Educational Center) was previously charged with giving shock treatment to students who are sleeping. Thank god the DC mayor’s aide would halt funds to Rotenberg Center over shock treatment

The Judge Rotenberg Educational Center in Canton uses electric shocking devices similar to this for many of its students.

H/T: Over Analyze It

Massachusetts - State authorities have given a controversial special education school in Canton a one-year extension of its authority to use electric shock treatments on students, provided the center makes a series of significant changes.

more stories like this

Among them, the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center must prove that it uses shock treatments only for the most dangerous and self-destructive behaviors and that the aversive therapy actually led to a reduction of those harmful actions.

The center must also stop electric shocks for "seemingly minor infractions," such as getting out of a seat without approval or swearing. And it must show greater commitment to phasing out shock treatments, especially for those about to leave the school to enter mainstream society.

Past reauthorizations have been for two years, rather than the one year given this time.

Jean McGuire, assistant secretary of the state's Office of Health and Human Services, said the state has issued this conditional reauthorization well aware of the events last August in which two teenagers wrongfully received dozens of electrical shocks at the direc tion of a caller posing as a supervisor. The caller told staff to wake up the teenagers and give them dozens of shocks each based on alleged behavior that had occurred at least five hours earlier.

McGuire said the center has promised to eliminate delayed punishments and end the delivery of shocks to students who are sleeping. While the school's critics want the state to ban any form of shock treatment, McGuire said the state also had to consider the many parents who defend the school as the only effective place for their hard-to-teach youngsters. More HERE

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